Thursday, October 18, 2007

She-Knits Rocks!

I got a package from Sharon of She-Knits:

It's a copy of Crazy Aunt Purl's book: Drunk Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair, two skeins of beautiful sock yarn, a set of stich markers, and a knitters ring. WooHoo!!!! I love getting mail :-)

Now go check out her Etsy shop & buy something from her!!

In other news, Juli is coming into town tonight, so that means RHINEBECK on Saturday!!! Yeah!!!! We'll be recording on Friday, so look out for a new podcast this weekend. Also, but something from her Etsy shop too!!

If you have me on your Blogger Bingo card, there are plenty of pics of me on here if you scroll back. I'll be with my sisters all day, so it should be easy to spot us. There's a pic of the three of us together on the podcast site ;-) Also, there's a rumor about a meet-up at noon by the food building, so I plan on being there.

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