Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm a Hooker!!!

OK, so the kids & I went to visit Juli in Ohio for a few days, where my wheel was hi-jacked by Ms. Pregnant Pants. Juli used the ugly green stuff to practice spinning:
Then spun up some nice 2-ply corriedale (like her shirt? I tie-dyed it :-) I think I made a coordinating onesie for Kaylee too!!): In Ohio I got some cotton & a crochet hook, purchased a pattern on line & started a market bag. Juli made me a few of these bags, but I don't have enough for an entire grocery shopping trip, so I decided that I'll make myself a few more. I haven't crocheted anything in YEARS!
And for my most recent spinning- here's 4oz of Girley Girl Batt spun into a 2-ply for Devin, and the other 4oz batt waiting to be spun:
And just for kicks, proof that my children CAN get along sometimes! Even if it is while they're playing video games!


bockstark.knits said...

Wow, you've been busy!

Julianne said...

I like the girly girl yarn! Can't wait to see it knit into stuff for the girly girl. Oh, and pregnant pictures of me should be banned from the internet!!